Thursday, January 3, 2019

Goodbye 2018! Welcome 2019!

I know its been a while since I last posted, and I really miss you all! And I really miss blogging ( I really do.).

The past months had been really hectic for me and I really don't know why. I used to be great in managing my time, I don't know what happened... I think it is time for me to finally admit now... I am aging! I am really getting old! Huhuhu... Can no longer stay up much late like I used to. And when I do, it usually takes me at least 3 days to fully charge my body again! Waaah!

Or maybe, I just need to take more vitamins?! Hahahahaha

Anyway, before I blame my age further, let me greet you my readers ( I really do hope that you are still out there, no matter how few you may be! Hahahaha) a very Happy New Year! Let us all be positive and let us all welcome 2019 with open arms! 2018 might have a lot of ups and downs, which I won't be enumerating anymore, but I am just glad that I was able to surpassed them all! I know you all do too! And that's all that matters! :)

And this year, unlike the past years, I won't be making any promises anymore. For 2019, I will just try to do whatever I can – in my own time and in my own pace! I will no longer let anyone or anything dictate my decisions and my pace, it is my life anyway! I am right, right?! ;)

Again, Happy New Year to all! Goodbye 2018! Welcome 2019! Let us all be merry and spread the good vibes on Earth and on the World Wide Web!!!

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